A couple of professional reasons have prompted me to start this blog. Ever since I stepped into the PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) market, one of the most relevant point of discussion for all professionals that I come in contact with is understanding the correct behavior of the market, and specifically how that relates to future pricing trends. What I have seen is a lack of convergence of point of views when a price of a contract has to be figured out. With its origin from the crude oil, it would not be wrong to say that this sector has its fair share of complexities, even though the delivered product may just be a polyester fiber or a chip. Further the application of this product in the textile sector, food and packaging industry are enormous. The common eye may overlook its importance, but professionals of this sector truly understand its pervasive scope as a globally traded commodity.
So if I were to sum it up, some of the factors that have motivated me to start this blog are as follows:
- A firm understanding of the polyester market fundamentals
- What factors to be considered while predicting the future market pricing trend and assessing demand?
- To educate audience on how the whole sector is structured
- To understand better the dynamics of the supply chain i.e. from crude oil to the production of polyester
- To deliver market updates related to acquisitions, plant expansions, technological advancements and market developments.
My approach of building up this knowledge base for the viewers is first providing an over view of the value chain, without delving into the technical complexities. Also I would like to state the acronyms that are commonly used, so that the audience remains aware when they are applied. So after having given the basic over view, I would start talking of the fundamental components that affect the downstream polyester sector. The paradigm over which this blog is being synthesized, is that all readers, novice or advanced should be able to attain knowledge from these articles, that would help in knowledge propagation.
In short, specifically we would be regularly analyzing the prevalent market scenario of this sector. Broadly we would be touching upon factors related to global economy, international fiancé, international trade & marketing and their implication on this sector.